Dunkirk beach foot vs Beaches of bud Kush Who you support?
Dunkirk beach foot
Beaches of bud Kush

Dunkirk beach foot

2 - 5

Date/Time: 2018-05-27 11:45:00 2018-05-27 11:45:00
Competition: BSWCP
Live/Repeat: Live

Beaches of bud Kush

4' Mota
7' Marchais
15' Mota
21' Olivera
22' Gaspar
25' Olivera
29' Stavel

Achievement More
Date League/Cup Home Score Away 1x2 Odds Handicap O/U W/L
2018-05-27 11:45:00
Dunkirk beach foot Beaches of bud Kush O L

Dunkirk beach foot More
Date League/Cup Home Score Away 1x2 Odds Handicap O/U W/L
2018-05-26 14:15:00
Levante UD Beach Soccer Dunkirk beach foot
1.04 17.00 11.00
2018-05-25 11:45:00
Falfala Kfar Qassem Beach Soccer Dunkirk beach foot O L

Beaches of bud Kush More
Date League/Cup Home Score Away 1x2 Odds Handicap O/U W/L
2018-05-26 11:45:00
Falfala Kfar Qassem Beach Soccer Beaches of bud Kush O L
2018-05-25 14:25:00
Beaches of bud Kush Levante UD Beach Soccer
7.00 9.00 1.16