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New Stadium, New Hope

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Brian Ching, one of only two Dynamo players to remember the San Jose era, can't wait for Houston's new home to open this weekend. Will it begin with a win? MLS Notebook

The Champions festival to sparkle with Ultimate Champions

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Known as one the most major parts of UEFA Champions Festival, the 6th Ultimate Champions is going to be held on in May 19th in Munich. On the occasion stars from Germany and around the world are going to attend it.

Antonio Di Natale's name on the Italy provisional list

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Cesare Prandelli, the Italy coach published the 32 name list of Euro Cup, which includes the 34-year-old Udinese striker Antonio Di Natale.

Sweden list: John Guidetti ruled out for injury

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Erik Hamrén, the chief coach of Sweden announced a positive and negative news concerning injury, and brought out the 23 names on the UEFA EURO 2012 list.

Assertive Germany Speculation in Euro 2012

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Germany presented strong firepower in qualifying competition. With many outstanding football stars, they are promising to win the championship.

Netherlands Extends Aggressiveness in Group Games

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With good offense and defense, excellent coach and tacit understanding among top stars in this team, Netherlands might extend their aggressiveness in qualifying matches.

Former Boor Bilic Return, Modric Strengthen Croatia.

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Croatia have large numbers of high-profile players, especially Modric, who is said to make Croatia with might doubled. Will Slaven Bilic lead Croatia to break through this time can be expected soon.