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FIFA virus: Barcelona Officially Announced the Other Main Force Is out for Injury

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Barcelona announced by the official site of club that the striker Alexis Alejandro Sanchez was accidentally suffering a torn hamstring during the match on behalf of Chilean national team in the World Cup qualifiers, and consequently he will be absent in La Liga (Getafe vs Barcelona) at this weekends. He is the second one in Barcelona got hurt after Andres Iniesta.

Messi's Charm Is Really Irresistible, Linesman Begged for A Group Photo

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In the FIFA WORLD CUP Chile vs Argentina, the duty linesman asked Lionel Andrés Messi to take photo with him in halftime.

FIFA Virus Again, Alexis Is to Be Absent Four Weeks

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Chilean international Alexis Alejandro Sanchez in Barcelona was injured in the week game for national team, which will cost more than one month to recuperate.

Chile vs Colombia

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Chile 1-3 Colombia (Caracol Radio) - Eliminatorias Brasil 2014