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No Average Players Can Be Underestimated

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Before Euro 2000, no one knew Nuno Gomes; Before the opening of Euro 2004, who cares Theodoros Zagorakis; Euro 2008 sent Arda Turan to the fast lane of fame ……For the Euro 2012,who are the potential candidates likely to achieve his milestone in football career ?

France (w) Dream Was Broken in Semi-final

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France (w) broke dreams in Semi-final. French media: Japan (w) didn't play an attractive match.

Cesare Prandelli Highly Praises Italy's New Style of Playing

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Cesare Prandelli expressed his idea that it were not for the game against Germany, Italy would not reach Euro Final. They played football from the start, he said. On the other side, Germany coach Joachim Löw still has great plans.